Saturday, January 14, 2012

Early january 8th, 2012, became an ordinary day for me. Begins with a prayer of hope for all goodness. Start with a patience and a smile that appeared as the rising sun. I guess interspersed with glimpses of the day dreams of yesterday, about a dream that my thinking had ripped each sheet. And it was late afternoon, when news about the emergence of the gap between me and the sadness of tomorrow. Chasm that ripped my steps, which are formed due to goings a wise friend. A best friend who is always on my mind with laughter, sadness, and advice. Friend who has always embraced with smiles and warmth. Best friend who left me to face the world alone.

My tears can not flow, but my heart is melting ... Slowly follow the flow of blood to flow directly to the heart and settle in the brain. Slowly gouge out my memory of him and make it a word that was strung. Words that turn into color, a force to be painted in the beauty of literature.

Tragic Love

For her, you are making a sad human being into a smile. Is there a more beautiful love greeting from what you say to her? Is there a more affectionate behavior gives meaning? When your love walk by your side with dancing, when she told with a laugh and a smile that never runs out. Is the will of God that is able to stop the outpouring of love and affection that the water was refreshing, and is a sad gift from God that is able to reverse her own happiness to overflowing lakes and dry, more dry than the fire. Lover who is unable to stand from sitting her grief, lover who could barely breathe when without the will of God. Lover who would always sleep in empty arms against fantasized about being loved. This is the tale that leaves a trail of stone, which will always freeze the tears, which will squeeze the life from a heart that looked at the stone.
Go .. go, before we all wake up and are very aware of having lost you. Before we fell silent and no longer able to do everything. ... While your love go to sleep in her smile, before she was conscious and tore her own heart with the sharp beauty of her life with you. Life that all thought is the beginning of a peaceful, early beauty.

My greetings to you when your tracks will always find me....


Is good news when she took it badly, because that shows that her love is true and sincere. But the cry of the lover, there would be no more painful than the cry of beautiful memories that can not be lost. It was him who became part of her soul, her heart and almost all her happiness. When love is so deep and so short time, then it is a wave of grief that will pierce our ears. That will flood our eyes. A story that is so beautiful yet so tragic. Love that can only be separated by the will of God, i have witnessed it...


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